All goods are shipped from the UK. If you require fast delivery, we would advise opting for our EXPRESS DHL DELIVERY SERVICE which usually gets the goods to you within 2 business days.

PLEASE NOTE – US customs charge import duties for goods imported with a total value in excess of $800. We are not responsible for any associated import charges or local taxes.


ECONOMY DELIVERY - $9.99 Royal Mail International Tracked (approx. 10-15 days)

EXPRESS DHL DELIVERY - $35 (approx. 2-3 business days)



We want you to be 100% happy with your S&G purchase but will gladly accept returns for a refund (via your original purchase method), provided the product shows no signs of wear (including the soles, so please try shoes on carpeted floors), they are returned in their original packaging (with accompanying shoe bag). If the leather soles do get marked, please reach out to us as we can often resolve minor marks but please do not try and clean the soles with any liquids.

You can return them for within 28 days of receipt and obtain a refund or store credit (with additional bonus).


We offer free returns for US customers via our easy returns' portal. Please click the link below and enter your full order number (e.g #US1234) and the email address used to place the order.

Click here to start your return

Returns are processed at our US fulfilment hub, so the process is quick and easy!

If you have any questions, please email us at